Monday, September 16, 2013

Pending Concurrent Requests Count

The below query returns pending concurrent requests
- Count of pending concurrent requests
select COUNT (distinct cwr.request_id) Peding_Requests   FROM apps.fnd_concurrent_worker_requests cwr, apps.fnd_concurrent_queues_tl cq, apps.fnd_user fu WHERE (cwr.phase_code = 'P' OR cwr.phase_code = 'R')   AND cwr.hold_flag != 'Y'   AND cwr.requested_start_date <= SYSDATE    AND cwr.concurrent_queue_id = cq.concurrent_queue_id   AND cwr.queue_application_id = cq.application_id  and cq.LANGUAGE='US'
AND cwr.requested_by = fu.user_id and cq.user_concurrent_queue_name 
in ( select unique user_concurrent_queue_name from apps.fnd_concurrent_queues_tl);

Tablespace Less than 20% free and add space

-This script is used to check the Tablespace less than 20% free.
- Gives wheter hot backp is in progress?
-Gives datafile information for the provided tablespace
- Script Name : tsinfo.sql
- Usage : @tsinfo
- File Location :

SELECT a.tablespace_name,b.size_kb,a.free_kb,Trunc((a.free_kb/b.size_kb) * 100) "FREE_%" FROM
(SELECT tablespace_name,Trunc(Sum(bytes)/1024) FREE_KB FROM   dba_free_space GROUP BY tablespace_name) a,
(SELECT tablespace_name,Trunc(Sum(bytes)/1024) SIZE_KB FROM   dba_data_files GROUP BY tablespace_name) b
WHERE  a.tablespace_name = b.tablespace_name AND Round((a.free_kb/b.size_kb) * 100,2) < 20
select unique status from v$backup
col file_name for a60
set line 150
col "Auto Extend" for a10
SELECT tablespace_name,file_name,autoextensible "Auto Extend",bytes/1024/1024 "Used in MB",maxbytes/1024/1024 "Max in MB",increment_by
FROM dba_data_files where tablespace_name='&T_NAME' order by file_name

Invalid objects in Database

-This script is used to check the invalids
- Script Name : invalids.sql
- Usage : @invalids
col OWNER for a25
col OBJECT_NAME for a30
from dba_objects where STATUS='INVALID' group by OWNER,OBJECT_TYPE, STATUS order by owner

select count(*) from dba_objects where STATUS='INVALID'
prompt Suggestion : @?/rdbms/admin/utlrp.sql

backup for patching
create table p&patchno as(select *from dba_objects where status='INVALID');

Use below query after patching
select count(*) from dba_objects where status='INVALID' and object_name not in(select object_name from &backup_table);

Standby Sync Status Check

-This script is used to check Standby Sync Status
- Script Name : sync_dr.sql
- Usage : @sync_dr

select name,open_mode,database_role from v$database

set line 200
col DEST_NAME for a50
col BINDING for a10
archive log list

select count(*) from v$archive_gap
select max(sequence#) from v$log_history
col MESSAGE for a150
select * from(select message from v$dataguard_status where message like '%Media Recovery Log%' order by message desc) where rownum<=5

NLS boot file not found or invalid opmnctl ping – EBS 12.2 ADCFGCLONE FAIL

Error: failed while performing clone of EBS 12.2 instance. This occurred while ohsT2PApply is in progress. INST_TOP/adm...