Wednesday, December 30, 2015

JRE Version in R12

To find the JRE/Java version used by Client Machine,

-bash-4.1$ cat $FORMS_WEB_CONFIG_FILE|grep sun_plugin_version


-bash-4.1$ grep plugin $CONTEXT_FILE



cd $COMMON_TOP/webapps/oacore/util/jinitiator

-bash-4.1$ ls -ltr
-rwxrwxr-x 1 applmgr applmgr 17090992 Aug 10  2013 j2se16045.exe


j2se16045.exe means client machine uses jre1.6.0_45.

The name  j2se16045.exe as when we do jre upgrade, will move as follows

 mv jre-6u45-windows-i586.exe $COMMON_TOP/webapps/oacore/util/jinitiator/j2se16045.exe

NLS boot file not found or invalid opmnctl ping – EBS 12.2 ADCFGCLONE FAIL

Error: failed while performing clone of EBS 12.2 instance. This occurred while ohsT2PApply is in progress. INST_TOP/adm...