Wednesday, June 24, 2015

MD5 Checksums for R12.2 Rapid Install Media

MD5 Checksums for R12.2 Rapid Install Media
After staging the Rapid Install software with the script the md5 checksums for the staged directory structure can be used to validate the software integrity. Do this by running the md5sum program against the stage area using the Oracle-created checksum file.

MD5 Checksums for R12.2 Rapid Install Media (Doc ID 1505510.1).

Which checksums need to run.
In my case, I need to run  Based on startCD 48.

Download the md5sum txt to Stage area and run it.
[root@R12PRODDB ~]# cd R122_Stage/
[root@R12PRODDB R122_Stage]# vi R12.2_Linux_64.txt
[root@R12PRODDB R122_Stage]#  md5sum --check R12.2_Linux_64.txt  > md5sum_result.txt
md5sum: WARNING: 1 of 12868 computed checksums did NOT match
Search for any errors in md5sum
[root@R12PRODDB R122_Stage]# grep -v OK md5sum_result.txt
EBSInstallMedia/AppDB/VISION/Disk7/data/stage/06nrdhe4_1_1: FAILED
[root@R12PRODDB R122_Stage]#

[root@R12PRODDB R122_Stage]# grep FAILED md5sum_result.txt
EBSInstallMedia/AppDB/VISION/Disk7/data/stage/06nrdhe4_1_1: FAILED
[root@R12PRODDB R122_Stage]#

R12.2 Installation Fails with the error "Database pre-install checks failed"


R12.2 Installation Fails with the error "Database pre-install checks failed"


 I have created R12 Stage directory under root $HOME where as I am performing a single node installation with oracle user. Oracle user could not write to /root directory and the error message is populating continuously. The permissions issue was not reported anywhere in the logs.


Moved the Stage directory from /root to /u01 and given ownership to oracle user then the installation moved further.

[root@R12PRODDB ~]# pwd

[root@R12PRODDB ~]# cd R122_Stage
[root@R12PRODDB R122_Stage]# pwd
[root@R12PRODDB /]# mv /root/R122_Stage/ /u01
[root@R12PRODDB /]# cd /u01
[root@R12PRODDB u01]# ls
app  R122_Stage
[root@R12PRODDB u01]# ls -ltr
total 8
drwxr-xr-x. 3 root   root     4096 Jun  6 10:01 app
drwxrwxrwx. 6 oracle oinstall 4096 Jun 25 17:01 R122_Stage

If this error encounters, check for the permissions on stage area. Oracle & applmgr user should be able to read/write to the stage directory. cd to stage area with oracle & application users. 

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