Monday, June 29, 2015

fnd_concurrent_queues table control_code column meaning

Concurrent Manger queues Status code meaning
SQL> select lookup_code,meaning from apps.fnd_lookups where lookup_type = 'CP_CONTROL_CODE' order by lookup_code;

LOOKUP_CODE                    MEANING
------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------
A                              Activating
B                              Activated
D                              Deactivating
E                              Deactivated
N                              Target node/queue unavailable
O                              Suspending concurrent manager
P                              Suspended
Q                              Resuming concurrent manager
R                              Restarting
T                              Terminating
U                              Updating environment information

LOOKUP_CODE                    MEANING
------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------
V                              Verifying
X                              Terminated

13 rows selected.

Bounce Concurrent Manager from backend or using SQL

I have a requirement to bounce Receiving Transaction Manager everyday. So, I was trying to automate this activity. I found below way to bounce it from backend using a script. I had put all the below statements in a script and scheduled in cron.
Find out the short name of the concurrent manager to be bounced, in my case it is Receiving Transaction Manager
SQL> select CONCURRENT_QUEUE_NAME from  apps.fnd_concurrent_queues_tl where USER_CONCURRENT_QUEUE_NAME='Receiving Transaction Manager';
Check the status of the concurrent manager before bouncing it.
SQL>select control_code,running_processes,MAX_PROCESSES from fnd_concurrent_queues where concurrent_queue_name='RCVOLTM';
Deactivating the concurrent manager:When you deactivate a manager all requests (concurrent programs) currently running are allowed to complete before the manager(s) shut down.
SQL>update fnd_concurrent_queues set control_code='D' where concurrent_queue_name='RCVOLTM';
Set max and target processes to 0
SQL>update fnd_concurrent_queues set running_processes=0,MAX_PROCESSES=0 where concurrent_queue_name='RCVOLTM';
see the status of the Manager
SQL>select control_code,running_processes,MAX_PROCESSES from fnd_concurrent_queues where concurrent_queue_name='RCVOLTM';
Activating the concurrent manager:
SQL>update fnd_concurrent_queues set control_code='R' where concurrent_queue_name='RCVOLTM';
See the status of the Manager
SQL>select control_code,running_processes,MAX_PROCESSES from fnd_concurrent_queues where concurrent_queue_name='RCVOLTM';

Click here for status code meaning 

NLS boot file not found or invalid opmnctl ping – EBS 12.2 ADCFGCLONE FAIL

Error: failed while performing clone of EBS 12.2 instance. This occurred while ohsT2PApply is in progress. INST_TOP/adm...